FAQ: In-N-Out
How does ordering work?
You must purchase a ticket first before you can order from the truck.
- Step 1 - Join the ticket line and purchase In-N-Out tickets from the In-N-Out crew.
- Step 2 - Join the ordering line throughout the day and submit your tickets to receive your order.
Where is the truck located in the show?
The truck is located next to the Royal Canadian Legion, on the North side of Fraser Hwy at 266th street.
Click here to see on Google Maps.
What time does the ticket line open?
The In-N-Out team will begin selling tickets at 8am. Due to overwhelming demand each year and limited supply, we suggest joining the line in advance to secure your place.
Can I purchase tickets ahead of the show?
Tickets are not available for purchase ahead of the show.
Tickets may only be purchased via the ticket line on the day of the show.
How many tickets can I buy?
Each individual is limited to 2 tickets.
Each ticket costs $20 which includes:
• 1 x Double Double Burger
• 1 x Drink and
• 1 x Bag of chips.
What is included with a ticket?
Each ticket costs $20 which includes:
• 1 x Double Double Burger
• 1 x Drink and
• 1 x Bag of chips.
What time does the food truck begin serving orders?
The truck will begin accepting tickets and serving orders at 10am.
Are tickets included with my registration?
Tickets are not included with registration.
Should I show up early to get in line?
Due to overwhelming support and limited supply, we recommend getting in line as early as possible!
FAQ: Car show
What are the hours of the show?
The show opens to the public at 8am, and closes after the 3pm awards ceremony ends (around 4pm).
What is the date of the show?
Saturday September 7, 2024.
What is the 2024 show schedule?
6am > vehicle staging and day-of registration begins at Aldergrove Secondary School.
6am > Fraser Highway closes to public traffic, between 264th street and 272nd street.
8am > show opens to the public
9am - 4pm > Souvenir sales Fraser Hwy at 270th street
9am - 4pm > Cruise In Marketplace Fraser Hwy, 268th - 270th street
8am - 4pm > Swap Meet & Car Corral Fraser Hwy at 270th street
8am - sold out > In N Out Burger Fraser Hwy at 266th street
10:30 & 12:30 & 2:30 > Elvis Elite Fraser Hwy at 270th street
9:30 & 11:00 > Six Gun Romeo Fraser Hwy at 264th street
11:30 & 1:30 > Hawaiian Retro Dancers Fraser Hwy at 270th street
Various times > Crash Rebels Band Bob’s Bar and Grill
11:30 & 1:00 > Zed City Fraser Hwy at 264th street
1:30 & 3:00 > The Bombers Fraser Hwy at 264th street
9:30 & 11:30 & 1:30 > The Sound Machine Fraser Hwy at 272nd street
3pm > Awards Ceremony Fraser Hwy at 270th street
4pm > Cruise-In closes
6pm > Streets open to the public
Why is the swap meet now on the Saturday during the show, instead of Sunday?
The swap meet will now be held during the Cruise-In on the day of the show, instead of the day after.
Thanks to the Aldergrove community, we were able to secure more space in the Aldergrove Aquatic Center parking lot (next to KFC) and allow our swap meet participants greater visibility and traffic!